Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541

Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541

Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:INSUREQUOTE.INFO





Dodge charger car insurance?

How much of a difference in car insurance would there be between my 1998 Honda Accord and a 2007 Dodge Charger? Im a 17 year old male. Please dont answer unless u know wat ur talking about.



How much would car insurance cost me???

Before I start calling for quotes, I would like to know approximately how much Im looking at to get car insurance in my name alone for 1 year. I need to know how much to put aside for it. Im female, 31 years old, I live in Queens, NY, will be buying a used car from a private seller, have NEVER had car insurance in my name, and Ive had my license for about 10 years. Also, why is it that when you request a quote online, they only give you an estimate for a 6-month policy? Does that mean you only pay insurance for 6 months or do you have to pay the 6-month premium 2x in that year? Thanks.



Insurance on parents car, learner?

basically, i wish to start learning to drive and i personally would prefer to be put on my mums insurance (50 moth quote from her insurance people with me as a learner) as i want to be taught by my dad rather than an instructor (many with dad then instructor after a few months) my question is; if i crash the car, with me driving with L plates with my dad/mum in passenger could or would i effect their no claim bonus OR put their premiums up? they only have a small 1.2



Whats a cheap insurance car to buy?

I just turned 18 and just passed my driving test, so i want to buy a car since i'm the only person in my home whole has a driving license, but i want to buy a car that will be VERY cheap to insure. So many people have told me different things and I'm really confused.



Where can I find non-owners car insurance in Massachusetts?

I'm looking to purchase a non-owner's car insurance policy (I live in the Boston area). I do not own my own car, but since I'm still in college and I just moved home, I drive both my parents cars and my brother's car. A non-owners policy would cover me in whichever car I'm driving, and I'm just wondering if anyone could recommend a company in MA that offers this?



Why is my car insurance so high?

I'm paying about $1,800 every sixth months, and now it's increasing. I had my driver's licence since sixteen, I'm twenty-four now. And I've been clean my entire life, except a few years ago when I received a speeding ticket. Then I took its courses to deduct points, and everything's cleaned out. But why is my insurance still high?



How much would cheap car insurance be in california?

im 18 and its my first car whats a good estimate for cheap insurance



Any recommendations for affordable individual/family dental insurance?

I already looked on google and found a few affordable dental plans for myself...Is there anyone who is currently enrolled? How are the prices? Any recommendations on where i should enroll, or insurance plans i should stay away from? I was interested in Aetna dental plan. Is there anyone whose enrolled with them?



NJ auto insurance (NJCURE), anyone ever have any problems with them?

The new insurance offered to NJ (because our rates are the highest in the nation), anyone ever use them or have any problems with them? Any advice I would appreciate.



Young drivers - What is your insurance?

Hey there! Im an 18 year old male , and to get insured on a 1999 1.0 GLS Vauxhall Corsa it will cost 3000+ a year! Am i doing something wrong , what kind of car should i look for? (that quote was from So yeah , young drivers what is your insurance , what is your car and insurance company? Thanks



What is the average cost of insurance for new drivers in Massachusetts?

During late November, I will be receiving my license and will have the responsibility of paying for my own car as well as insurance. At that time, I will be roughly 16 and a half years old. I am looking to purchase a late 1990's Honda car but can not narrow it down further as I do not know specifically what car I will have. I heard during my drivers education class that grades effect your cost of insurance. I am a straight A students that takes challenging classes as well as having a part time job. I live in a city environment in Massachusetts with a population of less than 50,000 residents if that matters. What do you think will be roughly the cost of insurance for my situation?



How much $ does Geico Auto Insurance cover for car theft?

How much do these companys normally cover for auto theft? what % of the cars value?



What's the best, affordable health insurance company?

I'm in college, so I don't work. Therefore, I need health insurance, and I'm paying 191.00 per month for BlueCross! Is there any better out there? Please help! I live in Florida, 26, healthy.



Can I wait to pay car insurance?

I recently bought a car, but I'm not legal to drive it alone until February (I bought the car NOW because it was an amazing deal and didn't want to miss an opportunity like this) Can I wait to pay for insurance until I get my license (in February) or is that illegal?



Why is my car insurance so outrageous?

I live in Massachusetts and it is more than 3000 per year (252 per month). I am 18 so i have only been driving for a little over two years and i understand the inexperienced driver thing, even though i have never had an accident or fender bender or anything. Anyway, when will this go down? I want to purchase a home within the next year or two, and i dont have a huge income so this takes a large chunk. I know that it varies by state so would i be better off in Connecticut? I know it is cheaper there but by how much... and what does your state have to do with it?



How much would you expect a family of three making 40,000 a year to pay for health insurance?

This should be interesting. How much?



Bikers: Which cheap bike(125cc?) would be suitable for a new rider who just wants cheap travel and insurance?

I've also been advised to avoid sports bikes where you need to be bent over with your head on the handle bars! I'll be using it for commuting rather than racing and looking cool!



How much would car insurance cost with a 2008 kia optima im 17 years old?

i get my lisence in 2 months i live in south florida and im gunna have to pay for my insurace so i need to know so i know how much im gunna have to work



Teenage car insurance?

Well im 15, gonna be 16 in 2 weeks and Im about to get a car. How much will the insurance be? I live in Arizona, have straight A's and am a girl and the insurance im gonna have has benefits if you have good grades and its cheaper if you're a girl too. So I would like an idea of how much it would cost monthly? The car would be a 1990 toyota camry 4-cylinder



Most affordable auto insurance?

I need a cheap auto insurance cuz my husband is laid off. We have two cars and we only have one ticket in the last three years.



Getting homeowners insurance in florida?

I'm considering a move to Florida sooner or later, but I wanted to ask a quick question about insurance. I'm in Mobile, Al., and it seems the region has had some skyrocketing insurance costs, both premiums and deductables. A major factor in this is the hurricanes we've had in the past six years, give or take (Yes, i know there are more factors involving costs, the overall economy being no small part). In fact, many areas can't even get insurance in the first place, because no company will write a new policy. Does Florida have the same problem? In the past decade, the state has seen much more of its share of natural disasters than my home (my city hasn't had a direct hit from any of the major storms)



Can i drive without a insurance card?

I will get my car tomorrow and i will have it insured the same day but it takes like a week to get the insurance card for the car. Can i drive without the insurance card? I would have the insurance on the car. Could i drive around without the insuance card?



Cars cheap on the insurance?

I will be buying a car soon and need advice on which ones are cheap on the insurance for the first couple of years. I like the Toyota Yaris and kind of had my heart set on one of those. Is this cheap?



Car insurance advice needed?

My nephew passed his driving test yesterday and has a P reg Volkswagon Polo for his first car. I've seen adverts on the tele for Direct Line car insurance and they aren't on comparison websites, does anybody know if they are averagely cheaper or not? Are there any other companies that don't appear on comparison websites? Thanks.



Is car insurance higher for red cars?

I already know car insurance is going to be SKY HIGH for me since I'm eighteen and I've had my license for only about 2 years (Even though I've never been in a single car accident or recieved any kind of ticket *knock on wood* =]) But I just wanted to know if it is higher for red cars than other colors


Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541

Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541


Insurance for Young People?

I'm 21 years old, I live in Northern Ireland (which is not covered by a lot of insurance companies) and I was wondering if it is possible to get reasonably priced car insurance. I'm sure anyone my age knows that insurance for under 25s is a nightmare! Is there a way to get round it perhaps? A type of car that is cheaper to insure? I would appreciate some suggestions on the matter. Thanks.



How would you fix health care in the US?

I feel good and bad about this law. I'm conservative. I don't entirely agree with the law. But it's good that people are able to get on an affordable insurance plan if they have a pre-existing condition rather than being left out to die. But what about the people who are getting kicked off insurance plans and now have to pay even higher rates than they already were? I get a subsidy for my plan. I don't feel like I deserve it. I saw a lady on the news who had cancer and couldn't get insurance. I feel like she is the one who deserves a subsidy so she can get a plan. How do you feel about this law? And what happens if a Republican gets into office or they control the legislative branch in 2014 and repeal the law? Then what?



How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?

I am a male and I will drive a 91 crx si . none of my parents have caused an accident.



About how much will my car insurance increase...?

I recently received a speeding ticket for going 81/60. 4 points and 185$ fine...the officer said he would knock it down to 2 points and 80$ fine if i showed up to court. I'm 19, I live in S. Carolina, and I pay 195$ a month for a 2004 mazda6. Does anyone have an estimate on how much 2 points will raise my rates? Note: This is my second ticket; my first was an Improper start from start, no points 155$ fine. Thanks so much!



How can I get insurance on a car that is being bought for me and my name is not on the title?

My daughter is buying the car on her credit, so I can pay her. When it comes to the insurance on the car, how do I get the insurance in my name and have her as an occasionally driver on the policy? Can that be done



Florida Home insurance help?

I was recently dropped from my insurance company.My credit is bad so no one will cover me what should I do? I will also need flood insurance.



Where can i get cheap car insurance for 20 year old?

hi, im 20 live in liverpool, just bought a ford fiesta flight 1.3 Y reg (2001) 1299cc were can i get insurance for no more than 3000 any tips on what to do aswell had my licence for 8 months



I'm 23 and a female. I've never bought car insurance before. Who's cheaper Geico or Progressive?

Is wanting to pay $100 a month unrealistic?



How much is Insurance for a 17 year old on average?

I'm 16 and I didn't take drivers ed, i just got my license, and i just wanna know on average, and maybe the cheapest i could get insurance in the state of texas?...



Our insurance is trying to screw us. What can I do?

Our roof got hail damage but our insurance adjuster and my contractor differ on how much damage there is. The adjuster went as far as saying someone made extra damage on the roof and that our contractor is just trying to help us get our deductible. Are there any legal ramifications for him saying that?



I want to buy a car to learn in but don't have insurance?

can i buy a car privately through autotrader and get a parent to drive it home? I was thinking of buying the car first then saving up for the insurance.



How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old?

I just got my license and I know that car insurance can be really expensive for younger people. I was wondering if there is any cheap insurance company? I would love to pay no more than $100, is this possible? Any inside from personal experiences?



Getting life insurance for my grandparents?

My grandparents are in their seventies - early eighties. Financially, they are having a tough time and do not have life insurance. As their grand-daughter, I would like to establish a policy that will be just enough to cover their final expenses. They live in the state of Missouri and I live in Minnesota. Would I be able to get a policy for them? What types of policy should I look at --term or whole life? What are your recommendations for insurance companies?



Should Keep or Look into term Life Insurance Quotes?

I have a whole life policy which I have been paying 45.00 per month for 16 yrs. I have to pay this amount until age 99 so they say. The amount it was for when I bought it was 50,000. It builds cash value. I am now 62. Should I keep this policy or look into term insurance?



Bankruptcy and life insurance?

I have plain old life insurance with my husband as beneficiary. Do I have to cancel life insurance if I file bankruptcy? I want to have this for security for my husband and five children should anything ever happen to me. It has no cash value.



Will this effect my car insurance?

I got pulled over and ticketed for an outdated inspection sticker and a light being out. I've been ticketed before, but the ticket was thrown out in court. I was wondering if this will effect my car insurance at all. I live in Massachusetts. I think it counts as a moving violation but i think they let you off on your first offence.



US Maternity Health Insurance?

Hi, I am looking forward to give birth in America so I need to know what kind of Maternity International Health Insurance I need since I am not an US citizen. I need a 1 to 6 months insurance. Can you provide some Companies' names or more info please? Or an approximated price? Thanks.



Car insurance? (please i need help)?

well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment. whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car? ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad) anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car) i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation. please and thanks for answering..



How do I get Health Insurance?

I just turned 21, and I no longer under my parents health insurance. I do my own taxes, and my residency on my taxes is in California. However, I go to a private college out of state. I don't have any chronic disease but I would like to get some tests done and I need a vision plan as well. My parents don't help me pay for anything, and I can't afford to pay $100 a month for privaet insurance. I'm not pregnant, blind, disabled, or anything. Can I get government plan insurance (cheap) if I'm a student? Where should I apply?



How much would motorcycle insurance be for a 17 yr old female?

hi. im 17 years old and live in glendale arizona. i want to buy a honda rebel 250. but im kind of worried about the insurance costs. i get average grades and am a good driver behind the wheel of a car and behind handlebars. how much do you think theyll ask of me?



Van with low insurance? HELP?

My car broke down, and i need a van pronto. I am a professional dog walker and need wheels all the time as cover a large radius. This is a perfect time to take the step into have a van. I only want something small. which i can split the back into two sections so can carry two dogs at a time. similar size as a renult kangoo, transit connect, vahxall combo - that sort of size van. It needs to be a low insurance group - as i have 4 years driving but no commerical No claims only car no claims - which ive been told doesnt count on a commercial policy. also needs to be diesel and a very small engine like 1.3 or something as i do so many miles and fuel costs atm. I have around 3000 to spend on a van. Any direction as to a suitable van, that fit my requirments would be fab! Ive been looking all night and cant find anything :( Thank you!!!!



Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?

Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks



Can an auto insurance company suspend my license?

I was hit by a woman in a parking lot. In Texas where I live, certain parking lots are no fault zones if they are private property. I was in one of these no fault zones. I was uninsured at the time. She had Uninsured Motorist Protection as part of her insurance policy. I suffered no damages to my vehicle or person. She suffered $1500 worth of vehicular damage. Her insurance company paid for her damages. I was backing out of a parking space and she came flying around the corner and messed up the entire passenger door of her car on my rear bumper. Like I said I received no damage to my vehicle since I was the one barely moving. She called the police immediately after this minor accident took place. I was not cited on the ticket I received for any accident, only for no insurance. The officer informed me verbally that the accident was my fault only because she had the right of way but that there was nothing they could do about it because of the no fault zone policy. Anyway, now her insurance company is coming after me to collect payment of the $1500 they paid for her damages. I have not agreed to pay this amount because it was a no fault zone and I don't feel I should pay for it. She should not have been going that fast in a busy parking lot with a car full of kids. Although the unofficial technicality states that I was at fault, legally no one was at fault. Her insurance company is also threatening to have my license suspended if I do not pay the amount specified. I did not think that they, as a private company, had the power to have that happen. I've never been in this situation before and need an answer as to whether or not the insurance company can do that or if its just some kind of scare tactic to jolt me into paying but really has no merit behind it. Someone please help!



How much does it really cost to own a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S in California? MSRP is...?

...$88,400. What other costs are there? I am trying to own one of these. Just wondering what's is in store for me (i.e. tax, more



What is the best way to market homeowners insurance in Florida?

I m a relatively new property and casualty insurance agent in Florida. There is a perceived homeowners insurance crisis in Florida. Many of the big boys (ie Allstate, State Farm, Nationwide) are not writing any new business, policies are being nonrenewed, and if you're lucky enough to not get dropped, premiums are going up by more than 30% a year. Because of this, the average consumer thinks there's no alternative but pay what your Allstate, State Farm, or Nationwide agent gets you, which is usually a high rate with Citizens (the state run insurance company of last resort). However there ARE several small companies writing policies in Florida with great rates, but the captive agent of the big boys can't write them so people don't really know. I honestly haven't had a single lead who I couldn't save hundreds, maybe more than a thousand dollars a year. But I just don't know how to get the word out. Any ideas?


Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541

Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541


How to get a comparative car insurance quote.?

Had an accident November 2010. I fill in car insurance quotes but they want to know how much the accident cost! My current insurance company only told me it was my fault and slashed my no claims bonus from 65 to 40% and quoted me with a 200% increase on last year. Internet quote sites want information I don't know.



Lamborghini insurance cost?

In the next week or so I'm buying a lamborghini Reventn and I forgot to find out what the insurance will cost.



What happens if I'm driving someone else's car and it doesnt have insurance?

I have insurance but the car I was in doesn't. Is there a way out of this?



Just passed driving test, 22 yr oldwhere should i go for cheapest insurance quote.?

Just passed driving test, 22 yr oldwhere should i go for cheapest insurance quote.?



Cheapest way to get insurance?

I will be getting w car when I am 16 and excuse my lack of knowledge about the technical side of cars, but my plan is to but a 05 plate Astra for 1000 or less which leave me with 1500 to get insurance. If I were to get the cheapest insurance, bearing in mind I will only be doing like 2 miles a day and the car is very small, I would assume it would cost me around 3000. Now, I know about 'fronting' but what if I was put down as MAIN driver for MY car and in put my mum and dad down as named drivers, I would guess it would then cost me around 2200, can anyone tell me if this would work please? And if not why? My parents would pay for tax and Mot and that stuff! Thnx guys



How much do these bikes cost plus insurance?

i was wondering how much on average these following bikes cost and im looking for a used one as its my first bike, Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , Honda Rebel 125cc , Yamaha Virago 250 125cc , Suzuki GZ 250 125cc , i also would like to know if anyone knew how much the insurance is for these , i know they depend on factors but anyone from experience , many thanks :)



How much will I have to put down and pay every month if I want to purchase a $30,000 car?What about insurance?

-first time buyer -New York State -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always on time with my credit payments



Good Car Insurance Agency in Kentucky?

I'm going to be heading to Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. I currently have Nationwide insurance, but may change my insurance around if it is cheaper. What are some good and cheaper car insurance companies?



Car insurance rates?

i am a 23 year old male and have a 1993 lexus sc 300 auto 2 dr. i know for a male the rates go down when you hit 25 years old, but is there anything when you turn 23? doesnt it go down a lil. i have had 1 ticket for speeding in nov of 2005, but took that course online to get it off my record since it was my first one.



How much is car insurance for teenagers or New drivers ?

Hello, My father is planning on buying me a a car when I get job to pay for my own insurance. I was wondering how much car insurance would be for me. I am 16. How much would it be if I'm also on my parents plan ? You don't have to give the exact price, just a price range. . . And the car would be a regular nissan or economy car.



How much could my insurance increase?

I ended up scratching the corner of my car after trying to get into the only parking spot available (some guy was over the line). It was on a chain link fence, no one got hurt, and I only have to worry about paying my problems, no one else's. I'm 19 and use my parent's USAA insurance. I went in for an estimate to see if it would be possible to cover it without using my insurance at all, but the damage was apparently worse than I thought, as they quoted about $1,550. I could potentially cover this with my upcoming paycheck (I think, don't know for sure), but would it be better to pay for it myself or use the deductible from USAA and see my parent's insurance rise? I know there are a lot of variables, but how much could our insurance potentially increase?



Car Insurance Question?

Ok I'm 17 and looking for a car... I found a 1996 Camaro for $2000 my mom said the insurance would be high, so she said no/we'll talk about it. I know insurance is more for guys and teens so its going to be a little more but how much? I know I cant get an exact percent but a rough guess maybe? Would it be like $50, $100, $200 a month? my phone bill is $100(I pay not her)



Young drivers car insurance uk?

I'm having a lot of trouble with find insurance. I really need help , or advice , what am i doing wrong .. everyone around me is getting deals of around 1.200-1.800 pounds.. I've chosen a Clio which is one of the cheapest insurance cars , I also tried , adding different drivers or companies , black boxes etc -.- and the cheapest quote i got was 6.500.. which is like triple the price of the car . Anyone any ideas ? Help.



What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?

What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?



When leasing a car, how much does one usually pay for GAP insurance, if it not included in payment?

Thinking about leasing a Toyota Camry LE (sale price 19,200.00) for 3 years. I'm wondering what others have paid for GAP insurance on similarly priced,leased, autos, or on any priced autos. My auto insurance company does not provide GAP insurance. Hope this is clear. Thanks.



How much should the car insurance premium be like after 2 years?

How much should the car insurance premium be like after 2 years?



Car insurance for my first car.?

Im 23 and getting my first car soon. Ive had outrageous quotes of 2500 upwards for a Vectra 1.8 SRI with me as the only driver. My dad has maximum no claims bonus and has been driving for 35 years. If I buy that car and put it in my name and pay the insurance can my dad go as the first driver and me as the second for supposed occasional use ?? Or would the car need to be in his name to get the price down? Also if he's not passing any no claims onto the car will it even bring the insurance price down?? Please help as ive heard so many young people getting cheap insurance on there car because there mum or dad are on the insurance as a second car.




Hi, I recently passed my driving test (approx 2 weeks ago) I've been looking at car insurance and the quotes are ridicouly high if I wanted to be the main driver with my own policy. So my dad has kindly said he will buy a car and be the main driver and I will be the second driver and drive the car sometimes. However the quotes are so high? Anyone know any companies that will insure me cheap below 2,000? The quotes that I get now are like 3,000+ on a standard Vauxhall Astra. Please can you let me know if you know any companies that will insure me and cheaply! Thanks.



Estimate on car insurance for this car?

Okay, I'm looking to get a used 350z for my sixteenth birthday. I know car insurance is going to be really high for it being a sport car and for me being only 16, but I'd like an estimate to see where I'm going with this and I'm not sure how to do it myself. :) Here's a link to the car:



USA traveler renting car in New Zealand. What's the best car insurance?

My wife and I are traveling to New Zealand this September and renting a car for 2-weeks. We found out that our USA car insurance does not cover automobiles in New Zealand. I also checked American Express (my credit card) and they too do not offer any type of coverage in New Zealand. We are renting our car from Hertz but the insurance through them is super expensive. Does anybody have a suggestion on temporary car insurance in New Zealand? Also, feel free to offer any other advice about renting cars and driving in New Zealand. Thanks a lot!



Nice corsa modifications, cheaper on insurance?

Hey guys, got myself a corsa.. Got tinted windows, alloys, irmscher body kit, tinted lights already. What other mods could I do that would be at the cheaper end of the insurance.. I don't want my insurance going up a bomb, but little to no increase mods would be great. Thanks!



How much would insurance for cars be around for 18 year olds ?

How much would insurance for cars be around for 18 year olds ?



Is it possible to find a health insurance plan with no deductible requirement?

I found the perfect plan for $33 a month, but it has a $10,000 deductible. WTF? Unless I become pregnant and have a kid, or need surgery or whatever, I find it impossible to make a $10,000 bill within a year. That's too much. I've always been healthy and rarely need to visit doctors. Then I was looking at other policies and they were more expensive, but they all had deductibles. One was like $160 a month with a deductible of $5,000. And anyways, I'm a college student and financially independent which means that I am no daddy's girl -I have to work to support myself and pay some school expenses. I don't want to depend on my parents financially in any way (they are willing to, but I just feel like at 21, I shouldn't be their responsibility anymore) so I always worry something would happen to me and they would have to pay hospital bills for me. I can't afford paying a very high deductible or a high monthly quote. Any hope for me? ..or should I move to Canada?



How can I get cheap car insurance when I'm 17?

Soon I will be 17 and I want to get a car, and I have to insure it. I'm looking at a Vauxhall Corsa as I have read on a couple of websites that the insurance should be quite cheap, around 1500, but when I go on various insurance comparison websites, the cheapest quote I have got has been 4500!? I can't afford this, so could someone tell me how I can reduce this? I don't care about the cover, I just want to be on the road legally. Thank you.



Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance companies for individuals living in Ohio?

Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance companies for individuals living in Ohio?


Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541

Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541


It is better to get my insurance or let my fathers insurance go up?

i got a speeding ticket and got traffic school from the court,the problem is my car and insurance is register under my fathers name so i cant take the test without an insurance in my name i am 17 yrs,so is it cheaper to get an insurance in my name at 17 or pay the ticket and cancel the scheduled court date for the traffic school (if possible) and let my fathers insurance go up about 10-15%?



Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?

Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?



Is it possible for a 20 year old to get motorhome insurance?

I am 20 and moved from Australia to the UK 6 months ago (I'm a dual citizen) and I'm looking to buy my first motorhome. The problem I am facing is that I can't get an insurance quote because I seem to get rejected on either being to young or not holding my licence or residency for long enough. Is there any way of getting around this or is it simply impossible for someone in my position to get insured?



Auto insurance question?

I'm going to be working for a delivering company and I need proof of insurance. I have it, but the car I'm driving is my mom's so the name on the card obviously isn't mine. The company I'm going to be working for needs proof that I have insurance and I don't know what kind of paperwork would work. Any ideas?



Is life insurance for people over 70 available?

Is life insurance for people over 70 available?



Short term car insurance?

i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?



Car insurance - Can anyone help?

We have company cars and Ive just told my manager that I would rather go in my car than the company car in this weather. She has just told me that its okay if I use my car because if I did have an accident, the company would claim on their insurance. How true is this? As she has lied to me before so i dont trust her. She told me that i could claim expenses and then once i put the form in, she said i couldnt so anything she says i dont believe.



I am pregnant and need maternity insurance. Where do i get it?

I just found out I'm six weeks pregnant, and need maternity insurance. I have not been able to afford regular insurance in the past, but now I am. I've been looking everywhere online, but no answers. I know most insurances consider this a pre-existing medical condition. I'm in northern california. Please help!



Baby insurance?

I currently have insurance through AmeriGroup in TN, and i was wondering if i have to get the baby their own insurance before they are born? does anyone know anything about this? my husband and i were a little surprised to be pregnant, and so our maternity insurance didnt kick in and we will not be able to add the baby to it.



Question about car insurance?

I called up my car insurers the otger day to change my circumstances (Recently become unemployed) and they proceeded to tell me that car insurance is more expensive if you don't have a job, why is this and how in gods name is that fair, surely if anything car insurance should be cheaper for those who struggle to pay bills as it is, instead of increasingthe bloody premium, I was lucky enough to have the charge waved however how the hell are people on benifits expected to afford to run there cars? Lol really they are just making it harder to find work due to only being able to find jobs locally, is it just me or does this sound unfair?



How much would it cost to insure a 17 year old boy on a ford escort gti?

any answers much appreciated



Going to buy a car for my teen, does he need insurance yet?

Hello, i know that he will eventually need insurance for his car. But i'm going to buy him a car for his birthday. He only has his permit now and will be getting his license in 3 months. I want to know when i go buy the car who's name should it be under? how is this going to work?



Can you buy/insure a car without a drivers license?

My bf and I are buying another car in November, which will be for my use when I get my full license (I currently only have my G1.) I would like to have it registered and insured in my name. Am I able to do this when I get the car or do I have to put it in his name and change it over when I get my full license? I live in Ontario. Thanks in advance.



I am wondering if anyone knows what insurance would cost on a Mustang V6 for a 16 year-old female in Tennessee?

If anyone has a idea of the price range I would appreciate some input. Please don't say alot . I have had no tickets and I have not been involved in any wrecks. Thank you!



Question about Student Discounts for car insurance?

I took the following two courses during high school and was just wondering if car insurance companies accept both courses as a student discount or will they only accept one? -->I paid and took for the Driver's Education course with my high school. -->I later took a free course called the Defensive Driving Courses - Alive at 25 . Are both accepted into my policy for discount or only one?



Can anyone tell me where to find affordable health insurance in Missouri?

I'm a rural carrier for the postal service. I'm not offered benefits for a year. But I need to be seen by a doctor soon! (Woman issues)



Which car insurance company offers the cheapest price for a teenager??

Which car insurance company offers the cheapest price for a teenager??



What is a good health insurance for the self-employed?

I own a real estate investing business and I want to get health insurance for me and my family. Do you know of any good insur. companies for the self-employed?



Do you need full coverage on a vehicle thats 4500 thaht you put a 1500 down payment on?!?!?

Because it doesn't make sense for the insurance to be more than the cost of the car



How much would the insurance cost for me?

I am a 19 year old boy. I got my driver license last year, and I never got ticket from police. I want to buy a Honda CR z. The car is two-door hatchback with manual transmission, which is considered as a sporty car. Besides it's a hybrid car.



Getting car insurance?

hey guys.. i have a question... im getting Gieco car insurance but my mother has the same thing...we both live in the same house but are doing a separate me getting the same car insurance company with that have any type of affect on hers???please let me know asap..thanks



Sr22 for car insurance?

does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22



Car insurance ? Can my girlfriend be a policy holder on one car and named driver on another?

Can my girlfriend be a policy holder and main driver on her car and a named driver on mine? Will this affect her insurance in anyway?



What is the best supplemential health insurance for someone on medicare?

a friend of mine is on disability and need supplemental health insurance but does not want to leave her doctor under blue cross ,she is paying almost 300 a month out of her 1200 a month disability ,she is over 55 years old and in good health.



Name some good life insurance companies?

Burial insurance I need for future.


Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541

Glenwood Missouri Cheap car insurance quotes zip 63541